10 Barbell Pendlay Rows
10 Unbroken Push Press
10 Slow Seated Goblet Good Mornings
-Rest as needed b/t Sets-
*Athlete Choice for weight. Heavy for the Rows and PP. Light for the
Good Mornings. Adjust weight as needed b/t movements on the
same barbell.
Russian Twists
*:30 Max Cal Bike Sprint after each set.
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Pendlay Row -- There is “Athlete Choice” on the weight for the Pendlay Row today! This is a great option for some athletes
who know they want to challenge themselves and have experience with the Pendlay Row in the past. For our newer or
more deconditioned athletes, we can keep the weight lighter to allow them to practice a new variation of the Row.
Push Press -- Each round, these should be unbroken, so we can adjust the weight to allow for that! If you have newer
athletes, where the volume might be a concern, we can adjust the rep scheme to be lower, around 7-9 reps if needed.
Seated Goblet Good Morning -- These are a new movement for our athletes, and can be sneaky! Athletes should be able to
show control throughout the entirety of the movement- I’d recommend starting lighter, and increasing if they feel able to,
because the movement itself sneaks up on you!
Russian Twists -- These can be done weighted or unweighted for the Finisher. We want to make sure our athletes can
complete these in no more than 2 sets for the first and second rounds! If those are the limiting rounds, athletes should
consider going unweighted or with a very light weight.
Bike -- This should be a sprint each round- the time between Bike sprints will decrease as the reps of Russian Twists
decrease, so it is harder and harder to recover. If :30 is too much time for some of your athletes to maintain the sprint, we
can adjust the timeframe to :15-:20.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Pendlay Row -- If we have any athletes who are unable to touch the ground with the bar between reps due to mobility
issues, we can adjust to an elevated surface, or we can sub out a Bent Over Row in its place, either with a barbell or
Push Press -- For any athletes unable to go overhead today, we can adjust this movement to a challenging DB Floor Press.
Seated Goblet Good Morning -- If we have any athletes who cannot hinge today, we can sub Weighted Glute Bridge
Russian Twists -- For athletes with Back Pain when performing Russian Twists, we can sub Deadbugs or Crossbody
Mountain Climbers.
Bike -- If equipment is a constraint, we can also utilize a Rower, or set up space for Shuttle Runs, both for :30.