AMRAP x 12 MINUTES* 2-4-6-8-10-etc...
Up-Down Box Jumps (30/24)
*Perform 2 Wall Walks after each full Set (Score is Reps)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*...
Bench Press -- This is meant to be a moderate-heavy weight to challenge our athletes today, AND this is sets of 10 reps at a time, so it really won’t be all that heavy. Athletes should go off feel for this, and if moderate-heavy is not in the cards, we can keep the weight lighter today.
Crossbody Deadlift -- These reps should feel challenging, but definitely doable each set. These are more to focus on stability and lack of rotation in the spine. If this is a challenging movement to keep control of, we can keep the weight lighter and focus on the movement itself.
Up-Down Box Jump Over -- These are meant to be quick cycling, and move fast! We can adjust the rep scheme, or elevate the Up-Down to allow athletes to move quickly and consistently here!
Wall Walks -- 2 each round is going to add up! We want these to be quick and controlled, and athletes can choose how far they want to go up the wall. If the overall volume is a concern, we can adjust the Wall Walks to 1 per round!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Bench Press -- If an athlete cannot press today, we can sub a Single Arm Supported DB Row.
Crossbody Deadlift -- For an athlete that cannot perform the crossbody hinge, we can sub a KB Good Morning.
Up-Down Box Jump Over -- No jumping? No problem! We can sub a Step Back Up-Down + Box Step Up!
Wall Walks -- If an athlete is uncomfortable or not ready to go upside down today, we can sub Inch Worm + Push-Ups, or we can sub L-seated DB Press.