


10 DB Floor Press RX (50/35) Scaled (35/20)

8 Strict Pull-Ups

6 Sumo Deadlifts (Athlete Choice, Heavy)

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-



100 Single DB Glute Bridges*

*DB rests on the hips.


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

DB Floor Press -- These are written with our standard DB weight recommendation, but if you have any athletes that are

looking to get after it with a heavier weight, they are welcome to as long as they can complete each round in 2 sets or


Strict Pull- Up -- Athletes should be able to complete these (or their movement adjustment) in 2-3 sets each round- we can

adjust the volume each round if the total volume is going to be too high.

Sumo Deadlift -- We are looking for athletes to choose a weight that is heavy for them today, but that they can complete in

no more than 2 sets each round. With newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can keep the weight lighter and add a

tempo to maintain the stimulus.

Finisher -- This overall volume might be high for some newer or more deconditioned athletes. We can adjust the total reps

to 80-90, or we can set a time limit (5:00) and whatever they accumulate is great. Athletes should be able to complete in

4-5 sets (20-25 reps at a time).

*Movement Adjustments*...

DB Floor Press -- For any athletes that cannot press today, we can sub a DB Dent Over Row.

Strict Pull-Up -- If we have any athletes that cannot hang from the bar today, we can sub a challenging Ring Row (feet


Sumo Deadlift -- Can’t pull off the floor today? No problem- we can sub a weighted Good Morning (with a DB or KB).

Finisher -- If Glute Bridges are not in the cards today, we can sub a max Wall Sit for 3:00.

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