Score = 26 Reps Per Round
25/20 Cal Bike
2 Rope Climbs
100m Single KB Suitcase Carry
2 Rope Climbs
20 KB Hollow Flutter Kicks*
*L/R = 1 Rep
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Cal Bike -- Athletes should be able to complete 25/20 cals in under 1:30 each round- we can adjust the distance to fit that
time domain for any athlete unable to maintain that pace!
Rope Climb -- These should be relatively quick each round- if we are sharing ropes, it should be enough time between each
Rope Climb to get right back on the Rope. If the overall volume is too high for some of our athletes, we can cut back to 1
rope climb each set!
KB Carry -- This should be an unbroken walk every round- we want to make sure the weight athletes choose will allow
them to do that!
Hollow Flutter Kicks -- These should also be unbroken- if athletes are unable to keep them unbroken with the KB, we can
either use a lighter weight, or to save equipment we can do these unweighted!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Cal Bike -- If equipment is a constraint, we can sub a Run (300/250m) today!
Rope Climb -- If an athlete cannot hang from the rope today, we can sub a challenging Vertical Ring Row (using the legs as
support), or a Close Grip Hanging Knee Raise on the Pull-Up bar.
KB Carry -- If an athlete is unable to walk with the KB today, we can perform a Suitcase Hold for :45-1:00.
Hollow Flutter Kicks -- If an athlete cannot perform Flutter Kicks weighted today, we can sub weighted/ unweighted