

1000/800m Row

5/5 KB or DB Turkish Get-Ups (Athlete Choice, Heavy)

20/20 Single Arm KB or DB Hollow Body Flutter Kicks

25 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/35)|(35/25)

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-



100m Shuttle Run (25m Increments)

30 Russian Twists (Weighted Optional)

(Score is Time)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Row -- This should take 4:30-5:00 per round- we can adjust the distance to allow for this time frame for any of our newer or

more deconditioned athletes.

Turkish Get-Up -- The weight designation dictates “Athlete’s Choice, heavy” which will look completely different for all your

athletes, no matter their skill level. The TGU is all about stability and control, so these come first before the weight!

Hollow Body Flutter Kick -- athletes should be able to perform each side unbroken with whatever weight they choose- we

can always lower the weight for any athletes that need that today!

Ground to Overhead -- These should be done unbroken without any real strain- we can lower the weight on the Plate, or we

can use a lighter DB if necessary.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Row -- If equipment is a constraint, we can sub an 800m Run or a 3k bike.

Turkish Get-Up -- If an athlete cannot hold any weight overhead, we can sub a weighted Sit-Up (5 reps) + Front Rack Lunge

(10 reps).

Hollow Body Flutter Kick -- If the Hollow Body Position is putting too much pressure on the low back for any of our

athletes today, we can sub Single Arm Weighted Dead Bugs

Ground to Overhead -- If an athlete cannot go overhead today, we can sub a Medball Power Clean.

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