12 Push Press RX(115/75) Scale (75/55)
24 Russian KB Swing RX (53/35) Scale (35/26)
36 Walking Lunges
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strict Press -- For newer or more deconditioned athletes, building from moderate to heavy 3 reps might not get them the
most bang for their buck- we can always adjust the rep scheme here and keep the weight a little lighter to allow them to
focus on the quality of the movement!
Buglarian Split Squat -- These are meant to be completed at bodyweight (no additional weight) in order to focus more on
the quality of movement and control in this range of motion with the tempo! We can always adjust the height that the back
leg is raised to in order to allow for this.
Push Press -- These should be done unbroken or broken into 2 sets- the weight should be light enough to allow for this and
heavy enough that athletes don’t really want to do it unbroken. Athletes should adjust the weight to allow for this stimulus.
Russian KBS -- Like the Push Press, these should be unbroken for everyone, so we can definitely adjust the weight and
make it lighter if the weight as written won’t allow athletes to complete these unbroken. If overall volume is a concern, we
can adjust the reps down to 20.
Walking Lunges -- Athletes should be able to complete these at a steady pace- unbroken, but not running through them! If
overall volume is a concern for any of our athletes, we can adjust the reps down to 30 reps.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Strict Press -- If overhead is not an option today, we can sub Bench Press.
Buglarian Split Squat -- For any athletes who cannot perform the BSS, we can sub a Split Squat with both feet on the same
level, or a Cossack Squat if balancing on one leg is not an option.
Push Press -- If overhead is not an option for the workout, we can sub DB Floor Press.
Russian KBS -- If the dynamic hinge is not an option for some athletes today, we can sub a KB Deadlift, or a KB Good
Walking Lunges -- If space does not allow for walking, we can utilize in place Forward Lunges- if an athlete cannot Lunge,
we can sub Air Squats today.