Max Wall Balls RX (20/14) Scaled (14/10)
-Rest :30-
Max Russian KB Swings RX (70/53) Scaled (53/35)
-Rest :30-
Max KB Goblet Squats
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Reps)
2:00 Seated Straddle 1:00 Pigeon Stretch (R) 1:00 Pigeon Stretch (L) 2:00 Childs Pose
*Reps, Loading, Volume*...
Strength -- Main thing to focus on adjustment-wise for this portion is to make sure those without percentages aren’t going too heavy and getting in danger of failing reps. Remember, moderate-heavy at most if going on feel. We also want to talk to our athletes and remind them that if they aren’t feeling up to it, they can lower their percentages!
Workout -- Lots of adjusting can be done here for new or deconditioned athletes to get them a great workout. I have listed two of my favorites below:
Option 1:
2:00 Max Wall Balls
-Rest 1:30-
1:30 Max Russian KB Swings
-Rest 1:00-
1:00 Max Goblet Squats or Air Squats
Reason: For deconditioned athletes this lowers the work time to almost be a 1:1 work rest ratio. This will hopefully allow for fuller recovery and consistency in reps.
Option 2:
:30 On/ :30 Off All Movements
Reason: This gives attainable goals for the athlete and keeps them working for a manageable amount of time. It will also allow for a 1:00 rest at the end of each AMRAP instead of only :30.
We can also adjust the loading for the WB and KB to ensure the athlete can keep moving without too much rest so utilize that option in tandem with the above if needed! If athletes can walk away from this workout having stayed relatively consistent from set 1 to set 2 we did our job as coaches today!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Back Squats -- My go-to adjustment for Squat pain is a Box Squat. This traditionally allows the athlete to Squat to parallel under load pain free and without getting into compromised positions. If they are unable to Box Squat We might see if a Banded Split Squat* can be performed to try and strengthen some stabilizer muscles. We can also use a Banded or Plate Seated Leg Extension for sets of 10-12 reps as well.
Wall Balls -- If unable to Squat have the athlete work the Wall Ball Push Press and if unable to Press the Wall Ball Front Squat. Athletes can also complete Box Jumps, Lunges, or even Up-Downs to elevate the HR, just keep in mind they will be doing 40 Burpees in tomorrow's workout.
Russian KB Swings -- Athletes can adjust to a KB Deadlift or Sumo Deadlift High Pull. If unable to hinge we can have them complete Glute Bridge-Ups with or without weight or Reverse Lunges to tackle the posterior chain!
KB Goblet Squat -- If unable to Squat but we still want to blow up the legs, have the athletes try a Wall Sit for the 1:00. They can also complete 20m Bear Crawls or alt. Sit-Thrus which will surprisingly blow up the quads!
*Athlete will wrap a band from rig at thigh height around the base of their Split Squat lead leg. They will stand parallel to the rig so the band is under tension and perform Split Squats resisting the pull inwards of the band.