

10 KB Goblet Squats (70/53)|(53/35)

5 Bar Muscle-Ups

BMU Option 1: 5 Jumping BMU

BMU Option 2: 10 Pull-Ups or C2B Pull-Ups


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- All athletes should be fine with the volume allotted in this session. For those new athletes that you think might

benefit from 1-2 more sets, you can have them complete a set of 5 reps every 2:30 getting them 5 total sets. I would

recommend tempo for these athletes as well.

Workout -- Adjust the KB weight first to ensure athletes can complete reps unbroken and quick. For the gymnastics

movement, find an adjustment that will allow 1-2 unbroken sets and then allow for 2 sets for the remainder of the workout. For deconditioned athletes you can consider adjusting their round down to 5 and giving them a mandatory :20-:30 rest

after they finish a round. You can also adjust their gymnastics movement down to an Up-Down + Ring Row so they can

practice similar ROM without worrying about complexity.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Back Squats -- If unable to Squat below parallel without pain try to have the athlete work on Box Squats. Athletes can also

complete Back Rack Split Squats or Lunges.

KB Goblet Squats -- Athletes can Squat to a target, similar to a Box Squat, if unable to reach full depth. Athletes can also

work on short Box Jump Overs or Step-Ups

Bar Muscle-Ups -- Check the teaching section for adjustment options. Today is a great day to allow athletes to simply

practice the Hips to Rings or Dynamic Kip Swing to better develop their lats. You can partner this with a basic pull like the

Ring Row to still work on lat fatigue.

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