
24 Single DB Box Step-Up (24/20)*

50 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)|(35/20)

24 Single DB Box Step-Up

*DB Can be held anyway above the waist.



10 Alt. DB Turkish Get-Ups (Athlete Choice)*

30 DB Slides

10 Alt. DB Turkish Get-Ups

*Athlete may build or stay at the same weight across all reps.

(Score is Weight)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Workout -- We are looking for this workout to be fairly fast, so we can lower the DB Step-Ups to 16-20 depending on the

athlete's conditioning level. Look to lower the Alt. DB Snatches to 30-40 for new and deconditioned. We want them to be

able to complete the body of work within 3-4 sets ideally.

Strength -- Newer and deconditioned athletes can look to remove the weight for the Turkish Get-Ups or lower the number

down to 5-8 Reps per section depending on their capacity level. Ultimately we want them to find an option that allows

them to build exposure, without the sake of poor movement quality.

*Movement Adjustments*...

DB Step-Ups -- Look to lower the height of the Box first. If unable to Step-Up, can perform DB Squats or DB Lunges as well.

Alt. DB Snatches -- Athletes unable to go all the way to the ground can stack a few plates to give a target. If they really

can’t go all the way down, the Hang Position is all good. Look to sub to Alt. DB Cleans for those unable to go overhead.

Turkish Get-Up -- Athletes can perform Turkish Sit-Up if unable to perform full movement. Can also perform the going up

portion if unable to safely move to the descent

DB Slides -- If unable to safely move a DB, can look to do a small Change Plate or Alt. Shoulder Taps.

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