


30 Single DB Front Squat (35/25)|(25/20)

30 Up-Downs

-Hard Cap 8:00- (Score is Time)



3:00 Nasal Breathing Walk 3:00 Foam Roll Quads

(No Measure)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*...

Front Squat (Tempo) -- Reps and volume should be okay for most athletes today; however the loading will definitely need to be highly monitored by the coach to ensure that all athletes are respecting the tempo. Lighter and more attention to mechanics is the goal today. We want athletes figuring out the positions and not just slamming themselves into the bottom of the squat.

Single DB Front Squat -- Load first today, volume adjustments next. This workout is FAST. 30 reps per round is not that many...if you have athletes that can’t finish the 30 in 1:00, first lower the load..then if you still need to adjust, start taking reps away in batches of 2 at a time.

Up-Down -- Volume adjustments today for the Up-Down are essential...these need to be turned over FAST and without slowing down. That number should take about 1:00 to get through with TOP SPEED. That same pace should carry over into rounds 2 and 3...a lot of that is between the ears for sure but it definitely takes a level of fitness to keep that pace going. Round 1 will be deceptive for many because everyone will be fresh.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Front Squat (Tempo) -- If the athlete is unable to control any significant load in the front rack, focusing on a high-bar Back Squat or a high-bar Back Squat to a box will be a great sub.

Single DB Front Squat -- KB or DB Goblet Squat is obviously an easy swap but also if you have an athlete that can’t squat, you can adjust to the front rack lunge with DB or Empty Bar. Jumping Air Squats can also be a great sub for a high-turn- over leg burner!

Up-Down -- Up-Down to a Box or Step-Back Up-Downs are great subs today. If you want to offer up the Burpee to a Target to any of your fittest...it would be a great challenge!

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