10 Ring Rows
20 Jumping Air Squats
30 Double Unders
Then Immediately Into...
Max Cal Bike in Time Remaining...
-No Additional Rest b/t Sets- (Score is Total Calories)
8 SETS (:20 ON /:10 OFF)
MOVT 1 - Push-Ups
MOVT 2 - Push-Up Plank
*Alt. Movements for 8 Sets Total. (Score is Reps of Push-Ups)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*...
Workout -- Today we are faced with a sneaky amount of volume that can be a bit much for some of our new or decon- ditioned athletes. Starting with the Ring Row, we can look to do 6-8 depending on their capacity. Jumping Air Squats look to adjust to 12-15. Keep the Jump Rope number the same for Single Unders as well. Control their effort on the Bike. We should be looking for consistency in that department.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Ring Rows -- Look to adjust the angle at which we Pull first. If unable to Pull horizontally can perform the Upright Row with a pair of DBs. Can look to do Bent Over Row if we don’t have enough Rings. Look to utilize a single ring too as needed for personnel in class.
Jumping Air Squats -- Remove the dynamic aspect and adjust to Air Squats. Can look to reduce range by adding a target like a Medicine Ball or Bench if the athlete has some mobility issues. Russian KB Swings or Slam Balls for those unable to Squat.
Double Unders -- Look to keep the same number for Single Unders today. Plate Hops, Penguin Taps are also good.
Bike -- Rowing is also an option. However we did Row the day before. Shuttle Runs or Up-Downs are also good for today. Find a cardio piece we can keep consistent effort on.