
Pull-up Efficiency Skill Review (1 of 5)

With today being the start of Murph prep, now is a great time to work on form and efficiency in whatever pull-up option you plan to use when we do full Murph in 5 weeks.

Level 1: jumping pull-ups
Level 2: kipping or butterfly pull-ups
Level 3: vested

You have 50 pull-ups coming up in the workout, so don't do a lot of volume now. Play around with different heights for jumping pull-ups, work on improving form in kipping/butterfly, or practice with a vest for level 3.

Half Murph

Freedom (RX'd)

800m Run
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Air Squats
800m Run

The pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned in any way. The runs must be done unbroken. Advanced athletes can choose to add a weighted vest.

* See Coaches Notes for Independence, Liberty, Limited Equipment, and Large Class Option

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