12/12/2019: NC1
EMOM x 16 minutes
Min 1 - 16/13 Cal Bike
Min 2- 5 or 7 Burpee Over the bar + 5 Deadlifts Option 1 (275/185) / Option 2 (185/135)*
* Option for athletes to do 7 or 5 burpees! Stick with your choice through the whole workout.
Athlete Goal - Pick a very challenging calorie number for the Bike. This should be above what they have ever done before. Something that scares you and gets you out of your comfort zone.
Finally, avoid quick singles on the Deadlift... prioritize time under tension for the touch and go set of 5. Score weight used on Deadlifts and add Cal's used per round in notes
Cool Down - Coach lead everyone together.
2:00 Cobra Stretch
3:00 Seated Forward Fold
4:00 Foam Rolling Quads