12/13/2019: NC2


Front Squat 5-3-1

Set 1 - 70-75% x 5

Set 2 - 80-85% x 3

Set 3 - 90-95% x 1+ 1+ means athlete performs max rep at that weight with the goal of at least 1.


30 Front Squats Option 1 (135/95) / Option 2 (95/65)

30 C2B Pull-ups

20 Front Squats

20 C2B Pull-ups

Athlete Goal - Choose a weight that you can do at least 10 reps when fresh and pull-ups in quick sets. This one needs to be fast. Fittest should finish around 5-6mins and all athletes in the 7-10range.

SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME... Workout -- if you can handle the loading but the volume is too high, cut the workout down to 25-25-15-15 or 20-20-10-10. Loading on the FS and ROM on the pull-up can be adjusted to keep moving... Scaling FS in workout -- forward step lunge with barbell or DB in the front rack could be a nice sub or deadlift at 185/135 type of loading. Pull-up -- if C2B needs to be scaled, can adjust to regular pull-ups, banded assist, or standing assist. A tough jumping C2B pull-up...where athlete can only do 5-7 at a time is also a nice sub.

Cross Fit