1/13/2020: Learn to T2B
3 SETS FOR QUALITY* (9 min Cap)
3 Kip Swings + 3 Kip Swings & Knees Up + 3 Toes to Bar
*Goal of this session is to practice progression, cycling, and connecting reps. Reduce reps as needed to complete the 3 movements.
STIMULUS Today’s Skill section is all about quality over quantity. We’re focusing on the building blocks for efficiently cycling Toes to Bar. Starting with the foundation of the kip swing, the focus is on the movement being initiated from the shoulders, transitioning back and forth from the hollow to arch positions with tension through the midline. Through the teaching and skill session, athletes will work on using the kip, engaging the lats, and working on learning to efficiently keep tension in order to string together Toes to Bar. This is a great time for coaches to help
8 ROUNDS, :20 ON / :10 OFF
TABATA 1 - Russian KB Swing CFC 1 (53/35) CFC2 (35/26)
TABATA 2 - Air Squat
TABATA 3 - Toes to Bar or Reverse Crunch
TABATA 4 - Slam Ball (20/10)
-1:00 Rest b/t Tabatas- (Score is Each Round for Reps)
SCALING REPS, LOADING, VOLUME... Workout -- For newer/deconditioned athletes, give them a specific number to hit for every :20 working window. Also, scale the weights for the KB Swing and Slam Ball if necessary.
MOVEMENT ADJUSTMENTS... Russian KB Swings -- If an athlete is unable to complete swings, scale to KB deadlifts. Air Squats -- If an athlete is unable to squat, scale to alternating lunge steps or step ups. Slam Balls -- These can be scaled to a Plate GTOH or a Wall Ball.