75 Double Unders
25 Russian KB Swings RX (70/53) CFC1 (53/35)
20 KB Goblet Reverse Lunge
15 Toes to Bar
100m Single KB Suitcase Carry*
*Switch hands at 50m.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Double Unders -- 75 can add up pretty quickly for your athletes that are not proficient with this movement, or if they are not
prepared to handle the volume. For any athletes that are not proficient with DU, we can adjust the volume to something
they can complete in around 1:00, or have these athletes count every attempt no matter if they make it or not.
Russian KBS -- These are written to be done with a heavier KB today- however, athletes should still be able to complete
these in 1-2 sets each round. We can adjust the weight accordingly to ensure the stimulus stays.
Goblet Lunge -- Just like the Russian KBS, athletes should be able to complete these in 1-2 sets max. Adjusting the weight
will help our athletes challenge themselves and still maintain the stimulus for today’s workout.
Toes To Bar -- Over 25 minutes, these may start to add up- we are looking for athletes to complete these in 2-3 sets each
round. We can adjust the volume each round to ensure athletes are not getting stuck here staring at the bar.
Suitcase Carry -- With 50m on each arm every round, athletes should be able to complete this unbroken. The grip will be
tired from the T2B and KBS, but they should be able to still hold on each round. We want athletes to choose a weight in
alignment with that goal.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Double Unders -- If we have any athletes that cannot jump, we can sub Cal Bike (25-30 cal).
Russian KBS -- No swinging? No problem- we can sub a KB Sumo DL.
Goblet Lunge -- No Lunging? No problem- we can sub a KB Goblet Squat.
Toes To Bar -- If an athlete cannot hang from the bar today, we can sub lying Toes to Rig, or a V-Up.
Suitcase Carry -- Nowhere to carry? We can sub an in-place Suitcase hold on each side for :30.