
EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS

500/400m Row

Max DB Floor Press RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/20) in Time Remaining...


TABATA (8 SETS, :20 ON/:10 OFF)

DB Gun Hold*

*Single or Double DB.


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Bench Press -- Athletes are building up to a heavy set of 4 reps, but that doesn't’ mean they’re pigeonholed into those reps

if they are not ready for it! For any newer or more deconditioned athletes, it may be more effective to keep the reps higher

(6-8) and the weight lighter.

Row -- We are looking for consistent efforts on the Row each set, aiming for around 75-80% effort in order to do this.

500m/400m should take around 2:00 for our athletes, so if that isn’t achievable we can adjust the distance to something

that will be. If the total volume is too high for some of our athletes, we can also cut it to 3-4 sets rather than 5 total sets.

DB Floor Press -- Athletes should have roughly 1:00-1:15 to perform max Floor Press, meaning they should be able to hold

onto their DBs for that full time at least for the first and second sets. We can adjust the weight first to allow for this, and

from there, we can also utilize one DB rather than two to allow for more control of the weight for any of your athletes that

need it.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Bench Press -- If we have any athletes that cannot press with a barbell today, we can utilize DBs to get the hands into a

more neutral position.

Row -- If equipment is a constraint today, we can utilize Cal Bike (30/20 cal) or even a 400/300m Run to keep our athletes

within the time domain.

DB Floor Press -- If any of our athletes cannot perform DB Floor Press today, we can sub out a seated DB Strict Press.

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