5 Back Squat (Athlete's Choice)*
10 Toes to Bar
*Bar comes from the ground. Heaviest weight that can be safely
moved from ground to the back rack.
(Score is Weight)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- We are retesting our 2RM today! If you have any athletes that haven’t been around for the past few weeks
consistently, today may just be a great opportunity to work up to a heavy 2-Rep Back Squat instead of focusing on maxing
out. For any athletes that have no interest in getting into a 2RM weight-range, we can adjust this portion of class to be 3-4
sets of 2-4 Heavy reps (relative to their ability/strength).
Back Squat -- For the EMOM, the weight on the Back Squat should be a challenging weight, but still something athletes
can control safely from the ground to the Back Rack position. This may end up being significantly lighter than something
your athletes could maintain from the rack- if this is the case, feel free to keep the weight lighter and add 1-2 reps (no
more than that!).
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- We are retesting our 2RM today! If you have any athletes that haven’t been around for the past few weeks
consistently, today may just be a great opportunity to work up to a heavy 2-Rep Back Squat instead of focusing on maxing
out. For any athletes that have no interest in getting into a 2RM weight-range, we can adjust this portion of class to be 3-4
sets of 2-4 Heavy reps (relative to their ability/strength).
Back Squat -- For the EMOM, the weight on the Back Squat should be a challenging weight, but still something athletes
can control safely from the ground to the Back Rack position. This may end up being significantly lighter than something
your athletes could maintain from the rack- if this is the case, feel free to keep the weight lighter and add 1-2 reps (no
more than that!).