

MIN 1 - 5-7 Ring Muscle-Ups

MIN 2 - 60 Double Unders

MIN 3 - 20 Russian KB Swings RX (70/53) CFC1 (53/35)

MIN 4 - 12 Alt. Pistol Squats or 24 Air Squats

MIN 5 - :50 Single Arm KB Front Rack Hold*

*Switch arms at :25 mark

RMU Option 1: Jumping Ring Muscle-Ups

RMU Option 2: Strict Ring or Bar Pull-Ups


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Ring Muscle-Up -- We are looking for our athletes to pick a rep scheme they can move through unbroken in this minutethat might mean cutting back the reps to 3-5, or adjusting the movement to one of the suggested options!

Double Unders -- These reps have the potential to add up to too much volume for some of your athletes over the course of

30 minutes- we can adjust the reps to be lower, or we can put a time limit on this interval to ensure athletes aren’t working

for the entire minute.

Russian KBS -- These are written to be at a heavier weight, but should still be something athletes can complete unbroken.

Athletes can choose a weight they would be challenged with but can still do unbroken (even if they don’t want to!). We can

also account for the total volume here by cutting back some of the reps to control overall volume there.

Pistol Squats/Air Squats -- Athletes can pick their poison here, but really should choose either option that will allow them

to move consistently throughout this workout. If athletes are interested in working on pistols but aren’t proficient, we can

always cut back the number of reps, or adjust the movement slightly from the progression outlined in the teaching to

allow them to work on part of the skill!

Front Rack Hold -- We are looking for our athletes to be able to hold each side unbroken every round. Ideally athletes are

using the same weight as their KBS, but if any athletes are unable to hold the KB in the Front Rack with that weight, we can

lighten the load.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Ring Muscle-Up -- We have 2 great options for Muscle Ups here: Jumping Ring Muscle Ups, or Strict Ring or Bar Pull-Ups- if

any athletes cannot hang today, we can sub DB Bent Over Row + Push-Up (5 reps)

Double Unders -- If any athletes cannot Jump today, we can sub Mountain Climbers or Cal Bike.

Russian KBS -- We can sub KB Deadlift if we need to take the dynamic movement out today.

Pistol Squats/Air Squats -- If we have any athletes that cannot squat today, we can sub a Box Step Up or Lunges.

Front Rack Hold -- If any athletes cannot hold a Front Rack today, we can sub a Suitcase Hold on each side- shooting for a

heavier KB!

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