
30 DB Devil's Push Press* RX (50/35) CFC1 (35/20)

*1 Devil's Press + 1 Push Press = 1 Rep

-8:00 Hard Cap-


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Snatch -- Our athletes are working up to a heavy 1-rep Snatch. For newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can adjust

the rep scheme to keep the bar lighter and work on a 5x5 of snatches, or something like that to allow them to work more

on technique.

DB Devil’s Push Press -- The weight on these reps may be too heavy for some of our athletes to maintain control of the

movement. We can adjust the weight of the DBs (or even take away 1 DB) to allow athletes to move with intention.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Snatch -- For any athletes that cannot go overhead today, we can sub a heavy 1-rep Power Clean.

DB Devil’s Push Press -- Carrying on with the overhead restriction today, we can sub a DB Burpee + Power Clean + Front


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