5-10-15-20...and so on
Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)
DB Hang Muscle Cleans RX (35/20) CFC1 (20/10)
Hand Release Push-Ups
8 DB Zottman Curls
Max Alt. DB Hammer Curls
-Rest as needed b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Wall Balls -- We are looking for our athletes to use a weight that they can hold onto for at least the set of 15 reps
unbroken. We can either adjust the total reps by starting them at a lower rep scheme (3-6-9-12+, etc), or we can adjust the
total time of the workout from 15 down to 10 minutes if needed.
DB Hang Muscle Cleans -- These are going to get tough faster than the Wall Balls and HRPU (if athletes choose an
appropriate weight). We want to make sure our athletes are choosing a weight that will let them hold on for at least sets of
5 as fatigue starts to set in- the first 2 rounds should feel easier, but we don’t want super light DBs because that will defeat
the purpose. So a moderate weight, something that feels easier at the beginning and gets hard right around the halfway
point. We can adjust the rep scheme here (like the Wall Balls) to start lower to manage overall volume, or we can adjust
the overall time of the workout.
Hand Release Push-Up -- These are sneaky! We want to make sure our athletes are moving consistently through thesethat might mean adjusting the rep scheme here, or raising them to a box or a plate to help alleviate some of the weight if
Push-Ups are not their strong suit.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Wall Balls -- If we have any athletes that cannot Squat today, we can sub a Wall Ball Push Press, and if we have any
athletes that cannot Press today, we can sub Wall Ball Front Squats.
DB Hang Muscle Cleans -- For any athletes that cannot move dynamically today, we can sub a Ring Row or Feet Elevated
Ring Row.
Hand Release Push-Up -- For any athletes that cannot perform Push-Ups today, we can sub a DB Floor Press.