300m Run (sub 25/18 cal bike)
15 Toes to Bar
Max Ring Dips in Time Remaining...
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-
1:00 Doorway Stretch (R)
1:00 Doorway Stretch (L)
1:00 Child's Pose
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Extended Warm-Up -- This is meant to be time to help our athletes prep for the Workout today- getting in some serious skill
work to make sure everyone is practicing solid positions! The actual holds and timeframes are not as important as
practicing good movement patterns. That means we can adjust the holds with feet supporting their weight, or we can
adjust the time our athletes are working on holding.
Run -- Athletes should be able to push the pace on this run today, and it should take no more than 2:00 each set. If we have
any athletes that are unable to hold onto this pace for all 5 sets (that accumulated volume may be too much), we can
adjust the distance of the run to something athletes will be able to complete in that 1:30- 2:00 time frame.
T2B -- This is another place where the total volume might be too high for some of our athletes. All good! We can adjust the
reps to something our athletes can hold onto for 2-3 sets each round. We can even keep the rep scheme the same and
adjust the movement at a certain point, either splitting the reps between T2B and a movement adjustment or adjusting the
reps with each set depending how your athletes are feeling.
Ring Dip -- These are a tricky one- we want to make sure our athletes can continue moving throughout this workout, and
once Ring Dips go, it’s tough to get them back! For athletes not proficient with Ring Dips, they can work on a specific
amount of Dips each set and then move onto a movement adjustment to get some practice with the movement and
ensure they are maintaining the stimulus of this workout!