7 Power Snatches (115/75)|(75/55)
14 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)
21/16 Cal Row
8-12 Barbell Roll-Outs
Followed By...
5:00 Foam Roll
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Power Snatch -- Even though the rep scheme is on the lower side, these aren’t meant to be super heavy today! Athletes
should be choosing a weight they can hold onto for 10+ reps unbroken if they were fresh- here, they might want to
strategize and break these up, but the weight should allow for it. To ensure our athletes are able to hold onto the weight
and don’t get bogged down by it, we can lower the weight to something they can hold onto (even 5# lower could help!).
Wall Balls -- These are meant to be unbroken for as long as possible in this workout today! Over 21 minutes, that might
break down, but we want our athletes to start out with unbroken reps for at least the first half of this workout. We can
lower the weight, or we can adjust the reps to allow athletes to move consistently- be careful here not to cut these down
too much that your athletes fly through rounds, because that will result in more overall volume!
Row -- The row calories are meant to be a steady and consistent pace throughout the workout. It should take roughly
1:00-1:15 to finish these calories each round. We can adjust the calories and cut some off if we have athletes that are not
as strong on the rower.
*A note on overall volume for this workout -- If you have any athletes that would be concerned with this long of a workout,
there is nothing wrong with cutting some time off for them! This will still be a great workout for a newer or more
deconditioned athlete at 15-18 minutes!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Power Snatch -- If we have any athletes that cannot go overhead with the bar today, we can sub Power Cleans.
Wall Balls -- For any athletes unable to go overhead, we can sub a Wall Ball Front Squat, and for any athletes unable to
Squat today we can sub a Wall Ball Push Press to a target.
Row -- For any athletes unable to row today, or if equipment is a constraint, we can sub Cal Bike (21/16).