

10 Overhead Squats RX (95/65) Scaled (65/45)

3 Ring Muscle-Ups

50 Double Unders

RMU Option 1: Jumping Ring Muscle-Up

RMU Option 2: Burpee Jumping Pull-Up


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength Overhead Squats -- These are meant to be a light to moderate weight that will allow athletes to increase in weight

over the 4 sets, but won’t be really big jumps. For our newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can keep the weight

lighter and just focus on the tempo with 5 reps across. We could also maintain the rep scheme if there are diminishing

returns from 4 sets with that tempo for any of our athletes!

Overhead Squat -- In the Workout, these reps should be quick and consistent, unbroken throughout. We can adjust the

weight on the bar to allow for this stimulus, or we can adjust the reps on the Squats to allow for unbroken movement. We

can even use an empty bar, a technique bar, or no weight- whatever will allow your athletes to work through controlled,

quick Squats!

Ring Muscle Ups -- With a higher skill movement like this, we are looking for our athletes to be proficient enough that they

could perform 5-10 unbroken Muscle Ups at a time. This is to ensure that our athletes are able to maintain control, and

move effectively throughout all 5 rounds of this workout. We can cut the reps back or lower the rings to allow for more

control with the RMU.

Double Unders -- These reps add up to a high overall volume of DUs by the end of this workout. We can adjust the total

reps to something athletes can complete under :45, or we can have any athletes not yet proficient with DU count any and

all attempts until they get to 50 jumps to ensure they aren’t spending more than 1:00 here.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Overhead Squats -- For both the Strength and the Workout, if we have any athletes that cannot go overhead today, we can

adjust to a Front Squat- for the Workout, we can increase the weight slightly to 115/75.

Ring Muscle Ups -- We have included two different levels of movement adjustments for the RMU today: Jumping Bar or

Ring MuscleUps, or Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups.

Double Unders -- If we have any athletes that are unable to jump today, we can sub Cal Bike (15/12 cal).

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