MIN 1 - AMRAP of 4 Slam Balls + 4 Alt. V-Ups (Athlete Choice)
MIN 2 - Row or Bike, Moderate Effort
-Rest 3:00-
MIN 1 - AMRAP of 4 Russian KB Swing + 4 Alt. Lunges (Athlete
MIN 2 - Row or Bike, Moderate Effort
Rebound w/ Nasal Breathing*
*Lay on your back and breathe!
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Slam Ball -- These should be smooth & consistent throughout the workout today- athletes can choose the weight they use,
so they have the option to go lighter if they feel they need more of a recovery-style workout, or they can go heavier if they’d
like a challenge today!
Alt V-Ups -- There shouldn’t be much concern for overall volume today- if any athletes struggle with the alternating
movement, they can either keep both Arms & Legs moving together, or they can slow it down to be able to control it better.
Russian KBS -- Just like with the Slam Balls, these are Athlete Choice on the weight, meaning athletes can go lighter if they
want, or heavier if they prefer more of a challenge today!
Lunges -- There shouldn’t be much concern of overall volume here- if any athletes struggle to control the Lunge, or if the
volume will add up to too much for some of your athletes, we can adjust the ROM on the Lunge.
Bike/Row -- We are recommending athletes work at 65-75% effort today if they are using this as an active recovery
workout before Friday’s Open workout- if they are not, they have the option to push the pace into 75-85% territory to really
get after it!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Slam Ball -- If we have any athletes that cannot go overhead today, we can sub a Slam Ball Power Clean or KB Deadlift. .
Alt V-Ups -- For any athletes unable to perform V-Ups, we can sub Tuck-Ups, or Deadbugs.
Russian KBS -- If we have any athletes that cannot perform dynamic movement today, we can sub a KB Sumo Deadlift.
Lunges -- If we have any athletes who are unable to perform Lunges today, we can sub Box Squats.
Bike/Row -- If equipment is a constraint, we can send our athletes out for a Shuttle Run for :45. Athletes can also complete
:45 or Jumping Jacks or Mountain Climbers.