800m Run
Immediately Into...
36 Double Unders
18 Russian KB Swing RX (53/35 Scaled |(35/26)
6-9 Reps Gymnastic Pull (Athlete Choice)*
Immediately Into...
800m Run
*Gymnastic Pull Options...
Strict Ring Row
Strict/Kipping Pull-Up
Chest to Bar Pull-Up
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Skill Work -- We want to make sure the movement in this section is all priming your athletes, allowing them to get some
skill development in, and NOT adding more full movement volume to their day. Focus on parts of the different Gymnastics
Pulling options rather than working on accumulating as many reps as possible in :40.
Run -- Each Run should take no more than 4:45 for everyone, and we really want everyone to stay under 4:30. We can
adjust the distance to allow for this timeframe and to maintain the stimulus. If that time frame is too long for some of your
athletes, we can cut back the distance to something they will be able to keep up with.
Double Unders -- These should be unbroken each round, and really shouldn’t be a movement that slows any of our athletes
down. We can count all attempts here for any athletes not yet proficient in their DUs, or we can adjust the movement to be
slightly less complex with Single Unders for today (70 singles).
Gymnastics Pull -- Whatever Gymnastics Pull variation athletes choose, they should be able to hold onto the bar for at
least 3-5 reps at a time. Overall volume should not be a concern today with these athletes, so we want to make sure they
are choosing a movement variation that won’t cause them to slow down too much.
KB Swings -- We see a slightly lighter Swing today which is for good reason! These reps should be a no-brainer to get
through unbroken every round. If the designated weight is too heavy for some of your athletes, adjust it down to allow for
unbroken reps!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Skill Work -- For any athlete unable to hang from the bar today, we can adjust the Pulling movement to DB Bent Over Row
strength work- Single Arm Supported DB Row, or Double DB Bent Over Row. If any athlete cannot jump today, we can sub a
nasal breathing Bike for :40 or Mountain Climbers if they really want to get after it.
Run -- For any athletes unable to run, we can sub Bike (2400m) or Row (1000m) today.
Double Unders -- For any athletes that cannot jump, we can sub Slam Balls (15 Reps) or Mountain Climbers (40 Reps).
Gymnastics Pull -- If an athlete cannot hang from the bar, we can sub KB Bent Over Row (10-12 reps).
KB Swings -- If an athlete cannot perform Swings today, we can sub a KB Sumo Deadlift- athletes may choose to use a
slightly heavier weight here!