

MIN 1 -- AMRAP of 4 Med Ball Front Squat + 4 MB Ground to Overhead (20/14)|(14/10)

MIN 2 -- Row or Bike, Moderate Effort

-Rest 3:00-


MIN 1 -- AMRAP of 4 MB Sit-ups + 4 MB Seated Press

MIN 2 -- Row or Bike, Moderate Effort



2:00 Pigeon (1:00 each side)

2:00 Saddle

2:00 Dragon (1:00 each side)

2:00 Seated Fold Forward

2:00 Rebound


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

MB Front Squat + MB G2OH -- These should be smooth & consistent throughout the workout today- athletes can choose

the weight they use, so they have the option to go lighter if they feel they need more of a recovery-style workout, or they

can go heavier if they’d like a challenge today!

MB Sit-Up + MB Seated Press -- Just like with the FS + G2OH, athletes are choosing their weight today. If needed, they can

adjust the weight of the Med Ball between EMOMs, but we ideally are having all athletes use one piece of equipment


Bike/Row -- We are recommending athletes work at 65-75% effort today if they are using this as an active recovery

workout before Friday’s Open workout- if they are not, they have the option to push the pace into 75-85% territory to really

get after it!

*Movement Adjustments*...

MB Front Squat -- If we have any athletes that cannot Squat today, we can adjust this to a MB Front Rack Lunge.

MB G2OH -- For any athlete unable to go overhead today, we can adjust this to a MB Power Clean.

MB Sit-Up -- If an athlete cannot perform the Sit-Up weighted, we can take the MB away, or we can sub a Weighted


MB Seated Press -- No overhead today? No problem- we can sub a MB Floor Press!

Bike/Row -- If equipment is a constraint, we can send our athletes out for a Shuttle Run for :45.

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