50/40 Cal Row
Immediately Into...
10 Wall Balls RX (20/14) Scale (14/10)
30 Double Unders
-Rest 3:00 b/t Sets-
*Each full set contains 50/40 Cal Row and the 4 Rounds.
5:00 Foam Roll Legs
(No Measure)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Post-Workout Finisher -- This Finisher is meant to be an opportunity for athletes to flush out any of the stickiness from the
Workout- the Glute Bridge & Supermans are meant to highlight the Posterior Chain. If needed, we can adjust the volume
for both of these movements, or we can take the weight out of the Glute Bridge!
Row -- This is meant to be a hard effort, but it should be repeatable! All athletes should be moving off the Rower in under
4:00, so if needed, we can adjust the calories to allow for that time frame. We can also give a cap of 4:00 for any athletes
that want to try and get as close as they can.
Wall Ball -- These and DU are meant to be unbroken throughout. There is less skill, more coordination with the WB, but all
athletes should be able to hold onto this unbroken throughout both of the big sets. Athletes can scale the weight up or
down as long as they choose something they’ll be able to do unbroken.
Double Unders -- Like the WB, these should be unbroken. This is not a workout for athletes to have to really think about the
DU- for today, we can either give these individual athletes a goal of how many DU to shoot for, or we can give a time cap if
they really must practice DU today!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Post-Workout Finisher -- If we have any athletes that are really shot after the workout, we can have these athletes focus
more on foam rolling and mobilizing.
Row -- If equipment is an issue today, we can utilize the Bike (40/30 Cal), or a 800m Run.
Wall Ball -- If any athlete cannot squat today, we can sub a DB or WB Push Press, and if an athlete cannot Press overhead,
we can sub a WB or DB Front Squat.
Double Unders -- If jumping is not in the cards today, we can sub Mountain Climbers (30 reps)!