:30 Max Slam Balls (30/20)|(20/10)
4 Turkish Get-Up (L) (Athlete Choice, Moderate)
8 Supported DB or KB Bent Over Row (L)
:30 Max Crossbody Mountain Climbers
4 Turkish Get-Ups (R)
8 Supported DB or KB Bent Over Row (R)
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
DB Floor Press -- This is “Athlete Choice” for the weight- because the day is designed to be a Recovery/Open Prep day,
athletes can choose to go lighter on this and add in a tempo to keep the movement challenging. They can also choose to
go with a heavier set of DBs- as long as they can hold onto the weight for all 10 reps!
Controlled Sit-Ups -- These are meant to be a challenge, but not undoable to keep them unbroken every minute. Athletes
are meant to anchor their feet under their DBs to help control the movement, so weight shouldn’t be too much of an issue,
but if overall volume is a concern, we can adjust the working time down to :30-:45.
Slam Balls -- Athletes should be able to move with their Slam Balls for the entire :30 each set- if overall volume is a
concern, we can have athletes work for slightly less time here. We can also adjust the weight on the Slam Ball if needed
today if we have an athlete unable to hold on for the entire :30.
Turkish Get Up -- This is “Athlete Choice” on the weight, however we want to ensure our athletes are moving well, not
skipping any step in the TGU. Athletes have the opportunity to challenge themselves with the weight they choose, or they
can scale back the weight to something that allows them to focus on the full movement.
Supported Bent Over Row -- These should be done unbroken, without any struggle. Ideally, our athletes are using the
weight they used for the TGU, however if they choose to go significantly lighter on TGU, they should choose a weight for
the Row that is challenging, but not impossible for 8 reps- they shouldn’t have to think too much about picking it up each
Mountain Climbers -- Athletes should be able to hold onto these for the entire :30 each set. If total volume is a concern
today, we can adjust the working time down to :20, or we can raise the surface the hands are on to relieve some of the
weight on the body.
*Movement Adjustments*...
DB Floor Press -- If an athlete cannot Press today, we can sub Ring Rows.
Controlled Sit-Ups -- If an athlete is unable to perform Sit-Ups today, we can sub slow Deadbugs, Hollow Rocks, or a Plank!
Slam Balls -- If an athlete cannot pull from the floor, we can sub a Single DB Hang Snatch (two hands on 1 DB), and if an
athlete cannot go overhead today, we can sub Slam Ball Power Cleans.
Turkish Get Up -- If an athlete cannot perform the TGU today, we can break it down into: 4 Alt Reverse Lunges + 4 Strict
Press per arm.
Supported Bent Over Row -- If equipment is an issue to perform the Supported BOR, we can have athletes use their leg, or
we can sub a two-hand, 1 DB BOR.
Mountain Climbers -- If an athlete is unable to perform Mountain Climbers today, we can sub a static Plank, or Russian
Twists if a Plank is not a good option!