30 Clean & Jerks RX(135/95) Scale (95/65)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- We are looking for athletes to build up to a Heavy 2-rep Clean & Jerk- these do not need to be TNG, and the
“heavy” is relative to the athlete. For newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can keep the weight lighter and have them
work on 3-4 sets of 3-4 reps to practice the technique of cycling the barbell.
Grace -- The weight on the barbell should be moderate-light today! Athletes should be able to hold onto the barbell in big
chunks of 5-10 reps (or maybe even a little more!) to get through this workout! If the weight as written is too heavy to
allow for this, drop the weight down to allow athletes to hold on for a little bit longer!
*Movement Adjustments*...
Strength -- If unable to go overhead athletes can complete Power Cleans. If we have any athletes unable to perform a
heavy Cleans, we can sub either 4 sets of 5-10 Romanian Deadlifts with a Tempo (3111) or 4 sets of 5 Push Press (or
Push Jerk).
Grace -- For any athletes unable to go overhead today, we can sub 20 Power Clean + Front Squats for our workout today,
and if an athlete is unable to pull off the floor, we can sub 30 Hang Power Clean & Jerks.