
30 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 Shoulder to Overhead RX (155/105) Scaled (115/75)

30 Box Jumps

*Every 1:30 starting at 0:00, perform 3 Front Squats


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- We see the option for Athlete Choice here for the Strength portion, meaning athletes can choose what movement they either want to practice more of, or the one they feel most comfortable with to get under some heavier weight

today. For newer or more deconditioned athletes, I recommend keeping the movement less complex today and working on

the S2OH variation this athlete thinks they will use in the Workout itself.

S2OH -- In the Workout, we also have the option, and the weight as written is meant to be a little on the heavier side today.

Whatever weight athletes choose, they should be able to complete big sets of 8-12 reps every time they pick up the bar

(without too much thought about it every time!).

Box Jumps -- These should not be a sticking point for anyone today- smooth, consistent reps here. We can adjust the

overall volume if that amount of jumping is a concern for any athletes, or we can lower the height of the box to allow

athletes to move consistently.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Strength -- If overhead pressing is a no-go today, we can sub Bench Press with DBs or a Barbell, or DB or KB Floor Press.

S2OH -- Just like in the Strength, if we cannot press overhead today, we can sub DB Floor Press.

Box Jumps -- If jumping is not an option, we can sub Box Step Ups, and if equipment is a constraint, we can sub


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