Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)
*Complete a 100m MedBall Run after each round. Ex: 40 WB, 20 PU,
100m MB Run and so on.
**After the round of 20/10/100 go back to the start of the workout if
time remains.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- For new athletes have them complete sets of 5 aiming to increase weight to something moderate every
2:00-3:00 depending on their capacity/ ability. Those building to a heavy 2-rep should work up to something heavy, but not
so heavy they are in danger of failing the reps.
Workout -- For deconditioned athletes consider cutting the reps in half so they can keep moving and get through a round
and a half at least. You can also adjust one of the movements like the Wall Balls to 30-20-10 or the Pull-Ups to 15-10-5 to
mitigate volume for athletes. Also new athletes that are having difficulty with the MedBall run can ditch the external load
and just run the 100m.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Back Squat -- Athletes can adjust to a heavy 2-rep Box Squat if unable to Squat below parallel. They can also complete
Back Rack Lunges, Box Step-Ups, Single Leg Box Squats, or Slow Goblet Squats.
Wall Balls -- Depending on the issue the athlete can with Wall Ball Push Press or Front Squat. Another challenging option
would be a Mod-Heavy KB Swing, or 30/25 - 22/16 - 18/13 Cal Bike.
Pull-Ups -- Athletes can complete one of the standard adjustments with Ring Rows or Jumping Pull-Ups. A DB Bent Over
Row or Upright Row would also work as a great substitution. Depending on the athlete and the issue of their injury you
could also have them complete an empty barbell High Hang Muscle Snatch, just keep in mind they are HPC tomorrow.