7 DB Up-Downs RX (50/35) Scaled (35/20)*
9 DB Sumo Deadlifts
12 Box Jumps (30/24)
*Heavy DBs Optional
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- We’re looking for our athletes to build to a heavy set of 5 today- this is their chance to touch a heavy barbell this
week! For newer or more deconditioned athletes, we can add a tempo to the sets of 5 reps and have them work at a lighter
Workout -- Athletes should be able to go through this workout at a steady pace for at least the first half of the AMRAP. If
the weight as written is too heavy to get through the DB Up-Downs unbroken and the DB Sumo DL in 2 sets or less, we can
choose a weight that will allow for this. If the Box Jumps as written are too high to move consistently, we can lower the
height to allow for this.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Strength -- If we have any athletes that cannot pull off the floor, we can raise the starting height to allow athletes to get
into a better starting position. If an athlete cannot pull at all, we can sub a lighter Barbell Good Morning (3 sets of 8-10
DB Up-Down + DB Sumo DL -- If an athlete cannot pull off the floor, we can sub Up-Down + Mountain Climber today in
place of the DB Up-Down (7-10 reps) and in place of the Sumo DL, we can sub a DB front loaded Good Morning (or Goblet
Squat if we cannot hinge at all!).
Box Jump -- if an athlete cannot jump today, we can always sub Box Step-Ups