

Double Unders


Single DB Box Step-Ups RX (50/35) Scale (35/20)/(24/20)**



*Complete 84-42-21 and so on...

**Hold DB Any Way Above Waist



*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Skill -- The volume we need to be most aware of is the Double Under volume from the Skill to the Workout. Be mindful of

the athletes that are highly proficient with the Double Under...I would give them the challenge to go for an unbroken set

and if they tripped up they would be done for the remainder of that minute. You could also have them see how fast they

could accumulate a low number of DU’s and then rest the remainder of the minute. These are some options to mitigate

volume and to help be mindful of the DU’s they’ll be doing in the workout as well.

Workout -- The place to be most focused on for volume is the DB Step-Ups. These will take even seasoned athletes some

time so for our newer athletes it is a great idea to start them with a lighter DB or to ditch the DB all together. We want to

ensure the stimulus is not missed and if athletes are taking too much time on the Step-Ups due to the loading we are

missing the point of the workout. Also shaving the reps down to something like 30-20-10 is a good way to keep them

moving if they want to use a DB.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Double Unders/ Jump Roping -- If unable to jump adjust the athlete to 18/14 - 15/12 - 12/10 Cal Bike during the workout.

In the skill you can have them

Pistols -- See the Teaching section for Pistol adjustment options, there are plenty! However, if an athlete cannot Squat with

one leg but bilateral Squats work, have them practice some tempo Goblet Squats. You can also have an athlete practice

some slow Split or Curtsey Squats to focus on building unilateral strength.

Single DB Goblet Box Step-Ups -- Athletes can step to a lower box or practice Lunges without any elevation. If unable to

Step-Up or Lunge, see if the DB Goblet Squat can be done without issue or have them complete Slow Sumo DB Deadlifts.

Burpees -- If the athlete is deconditioned or unable to drop to the floor have them complete Up-Downs instead. A Push-Up

can also be used for those unable to hinge.

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