
10 Ring Muscle-Ups

20 Push Press RX (135/95) Scale (95/65)

30 Up-Downs

40 Sit-Ups

15 Ring Muscle-Ups

30 Push Press

45 Up-Downs

60 Sit-Ups

(Score is Time)


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Skill -- The main thing to be aware of is giving your athletes options for this session. You can have them on the rig/ the

rings or a combination of the two based on where they are. For your more experienced athletes see if they can complete

the complex unbroken while less experienced athletes focus more around each individual piece of the complex.

Workout -- Time domains are going to be a great option to keep athletes moving today. Below I have listed time limits for

athletes working through this chipper. A good rule of thumb is to give everyone 2:00 on the first of each movement and

3:00 on the second set. This will finish them right at 20:00, but most will be able to make up time on the Up-Downs and

Sit-Ups. You can also keep the second round the same rep count making it 2 identical rounds. A final option would be to

cut the RMU reps in half to help athletes mitigate time with the high skill movement of the day.

*Movement Adjustments*...

RMU -- If unable to complete RMU see if the athlete is able to complete BMU but consider increasing the rep count to

15/20 depending on the athlete’s proficiency with the movement. This will replicate a similar time domain to the RMU. If

unable to do complete BMU default athletes to a pull variation: False Grip Ring Rows, Ring Pull-Ups, Strict Pull-Ups, etc. We

want to stay away from pushing due to the Push Press and Up-Downs.

Push Press -- Athletes can complete SA DB Push Press if unable to use one side. They can also adjust themselves to a DB

Bench Press, Floor Press, or Hand Release Push-Up. If Pushing is out of the question see if they can complete a Heavy

Russian or American KB Swing.

Up-Down -- For those that cannot complete Up-Downs to the floor you can adjust them to an elevated target so they don’t

have as far to travel and they aren’t loading themselves up with their full bodyweight. You can also have them complete

2:00/3:00 of Max Mountain Climbers or a Cardio Choice on a machine.

Sit-Ups -- Deadbugs or Quad Heel Taps are great options if the Sit-Up isn’t happening today. Athletes can also work on a

2:00/2:30 Plank or Hollow Hold.

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