MIN 1 - 8-12 Strict "Odd" Gymnastic Pull*
MIN 2 - 8/8 Reverse DB Lunges (50/35)|(35/20)
MIN 3 - :50 Static Hold w/ Weight**
MIN 4 - :50 Static Hold Body Only***
*Strict Gymnastic Pull Options:
Wide or Narrow Grip
Mixed Grip
Rope or Ring Pull-Up
**Static Hold w/ Weight Options:
Farmer Hold
Front Rack Hold
Mixed/Filly Hold
Floor Press Hold
**Static Hold Body Only Options:
Tuck Hold
Side Plank
Glute Bridge
Pike or HS Hold
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Gymnastics Pull -- This has the potential to add up to a high volume of pulling for some of our athletes today- especially if
they are newer or less experienced with higher volume pulling movements. We can adjust the movement to decrease the
overall load on the body, or we can adjust the rep scheme to account for the overall volume.
DB Reverse Lunges -- Athletes should be able to complete all 8 reps on each side throughout the EMOM today, so we can
adjust the weight accordingly to allow for this. We might need to lower the weight, or even take 1 (or both) DB away.
Weighted Static Hold -- We are looking for this to be as close to unbroken as possible throughout, so athletes should be
guided to choose a weight that at first might feel a little on the lighter side, and the weight should go off the hardest hold
option athletes might choose.
Unweighted Static Hold -- Just like the weighted holds, we want this static hold to be as close to unbroken throughout. For
newer or more deconditioned athletes, we might want to consider cutting back the hold time to :30-:45 to account for
overall impact on the body.
*Movement Adjustments*...
See Teaching for modifications for each movement so everyone has an option today!
DB Reverse Lunges -- if an athlete is unable to lunge today, we can sub a box squat or goblet squat.