

Double Unders


Cal Row


Push Jerk RX (155/105) Scale (115/75)

*Alt. Cal Option: 30-24-15-8


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- For newer athletes give them a focus of hitting one round of the complete every 1:30-2:00. This will ensure they

get plenty of sets in without overloading them before the workout. We also want to give guidance to everyone in this

portion of class...giving athletes some structure will help them stay on track and help them build up to their heavier

weights based on where the clock is. See below:

0:00-5:00 -- Light-Moderate weights, 3 Push Jerk + 2-3 Split Jerk

5:00-9:00 -- Moderate-Heavy weights, 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

9:00-15:00 -- Heavy weights, 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Workout -- We want to make sure we are adjusting the PJ weight to allow for two sets tops, so a lighter bar is the way to

go especially if cycling the PJ is new for the athlete. The Cal Row should follow the time domain

2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-:30...keep in mind these times are on the longer end so no one should be spending more time than

what is outlined above. If unsure, chop off 5-7 cals on each portion to keep them moving or give them the time limits

above to go as far as they can before moving on!


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- For newer athletes give them a focus of hitting one round of the complete every 1:30-2:00. This will ensure they

get plenty of sets in without overloading them before the workout. We also want to give guidance to everyone in this

portion of class...giving athletes some structure will help them stay on track and help them build up to their heavier

weights based on where the clock is. See below:

0:00-5:00 -- Light-Moderate weights, 3 Push Jerk + 2-3 Split Jerk

5:00-9:00 -- Moderate-Heavy weights, 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

9:00-15:00 -- Heavy weights, 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Workout -- We want to make sure we are adjusting the PJ weight to allow for two sets tops, so a lighter bar is the way to

go especially if cycling the PJ is new for the athlete. The Cal Row should follow the time domain

2:30-2:00-1:30-1:00-:30...keep in mind these times are on the longer end so no one should be spending more time than

what is outlined above. If unsure, chop off 5-7 cals on each portion to keep them moving or give them the time limits

above to go as far as they can before moving on!

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