

15 Thrusters RX (75/55) Scale (65/45)

5 Ring Muscle-Ups

RMU OPTION 1: Jumping Ring Muscle Ups

RMU OPTION 2: Burpee Pull-Ups


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- Keep loading light for new athletes so they can stick to the tempo. Reign back your fire breathers from going

too heavy and shocking their CNS too much. For very new or deconditioned athletes, adjusting them to 4x5 with the same

tempo will help mitigate weight and still give them practice with the tempo.

Workout -- Lower the barbell weight to allow for unbroken sets all 5 rounds or for at least 3 rounds and then keep the

Thrusters to 2 sets. You can also give them a :45 window to accumulate as many reps as possible before moving onto the

gymnastics work. Similar idea in adjustments: lower the reps to something they can complete in two quick sets/ unbroken

or give them a :45 window to accumulate what they can. Remember when adjusting keep the stimulus in mind!

*Movement Adjustments*...

Back Squat -- Adjust to a Box Squat if unable to Squat below parallel. Athletes can also perform DB Suitcase Step-Ups, DB

Curtsey Squats, or Back Rack Lunges/ Split Squats depending on the issue. If no Squat variation works, have your athletes

practice some slow unweighted Barbell Good Mornings to work the posterior chain.

Thruster -- Depending on the issue the athlete can take out the Squat and complete Push Press with a slightly heavier

load, or a Front Squat. I also recommend adjusting to a Mod-Heavy KB Swing or Box Jump to work ROM and explosiveness.

Muscle Up -- If athletes are not going to be getting after MUs, they can adjust to a 1:1 ratio of C2B (strict or kipping) + Ring

Dips. A Burpee C2B is also a more challenging option than the traditional Burpee Pull-Up. Another challenging adjustment

option is a DB Devil’s Press with Moderate weight DB’s!

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