8 SETS EACH, :20 ON/:10 OFF
Tabata 1 - Hand Release Push-Ups
Tabata 2 - Sit-Ups
Tabata 3 - Russian KB Swings RX (70/53) Scale (53/35)
Tabata 4 - Cal Bike
-Rest 1:00 b/t Tabatas-
1:00 Pigeon Pose (R)
1:00 Pigeon Pose (L)
1:00 Couch Stretch (R)
1:00 Couch Stretch (L)
2:00-4:00 Squat Hold
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Workout -- For Newer and Deconditioned athletes have them move a bit slower than maybe they want to today. Explain the
nature of the workout and how fast fatigue really sets in. Look to drop their numbers down by 1-2 reps of the targeted
goals today in order for them to be successful. Have them lean on the side of caution through the first 4 rounds of each
Tabata then build after that if they are moving well.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Hand Release Push-Ups -- Athletes can look to adjust to their Knees, or to a box / wall if doing the full movement is too
challenging. Can also look to do a Strict Press if athletes are unable to get safely to the ground.
Sit-Ups -- Deadbugs, Crunches and Tuck-Ups are good for athletes unable to get Shoulders over Hips.
Russian KB Swings -- Athletes unable to swing can do KB Deadlifts. If unable to hang onto KB can look to do a Weighted
Good Morning or Banded Good Morning.
Cal Bike -- If limited on Bikes you can have athletes perform that Tabata at a different section. If unable to Bike, we can
Row or perform Mountain Climbers, Burpees or another cardio movement.