
EVERY 2:30 x 6 SETS

15 Burpee to Target*

12 Push Press RX (115/75) Scaled (75/55)

-No Additional Rest b/t Sets- *6" Above Standing Reach

(Score is Slowest Set)



8/8 Plate Around the Worlds*

25 Banded Straight-Arm Pull-Down

*Keep plate light -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-


*Reps, Loading, Volume*...

Burpees -- Adjust reps so athletes can complete the Burpees in 1:00 or less

Push Press -- Adjust load so athletes can complete the reps unbroken through the first half of the workout. Reps should be completed in 1:00 or less

*Movement Adjustments*...

Strict Press -- If the athlete cannot go OH today they can sub for Bench Press or Floor Press

Push Press -- Athletes can sub for DBs if they cannot maintain the Front Rack. Sub for Bench Press or Floor Press if they cannot go OH.

Burpees to Target -- Athletes can sub for Up Downs to target or simply take out the Target in the movement. If they cannot perform either movements they can sub for Jumping Slam Balls or just Slam Balls.

Cross FitComment