

8 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75)|(75/55)

8 Burpees

-Rest 2:00-


16 Hang Squat Cleans

16 Burpees

(Score is Total Time Including Rest)



5:00 Foam Roll Legs + Lats


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Back Squat -- Load today should allow for athletes to feel like they could complete up to 5 or 6 reps at their last set.

Hang Squat Clean -- Load should allow for unbroken reps every round in the first part. Reduce reps for newer or more

deconditioned athletes so they can complete the HSC in :45 or less

Burpees -- Athletes should be able to complete their Burpees in :45 or less. Deconditioned athletes may want to reduce

reps to complete their Burpees in that time domain (4-6 Reps)

*Movement Adjustments*...

Back Squat -- Athletes that are not capable of performing the Back Squat today can perform any time of Leg or Glute

Strengthening movement. Any type of Weighted Step Up or Lunge will work for today. These can also be superset with

some type of core work (i.e. Hollow Rocks, Superman, Dead Bugs, Bird Dogs, etc.)

Hang Squat Clean -- Athletes can perform the HSC with DBs if they cannot keep the Front Rack with the Barbell. They can

also sub for Front Squats if they cannot hinge or Power Cleans if they cannot Squat

Burpees -- Athletes can sub for Up-Downs if they cannot perform the Push-Ups today. They can also sub for Slam Balls if


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