200m Run
12 Toes to Bar*
Max Hand Release Push-Ups in Time Remaining...
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-
*Weight Vest Optional
8/8 SA Bent Over Row*
16 Alt. DB Slides
*Supported on Bench or Ball
-Rest as needed b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Workout -- Newer and deconditioned athletes should look to keep the running distance down to :55 seconds. They can
also reduce the number of the Toes to Bar movement to 8-10. Have them control the number of Push-Ups by putting them
on a Tabata style time from for the remainder of the Set time. This will give them fixed rest, while also not getting discouraged by the lack of volume they might not be able to achieve yet.
Finisher -- Reps loading and volume are good for all athletes. Movement adjustments are listed below for any athlete
having difficulty with the movements.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Run -- 600m Bike or 250/200m Row will also work. Look to complete a cardio piece in 1:00 minute.
Toes to Bar -- Hanging Toes Toward Bar or Hanging Knee Raises. If unable to hang from the Bar athletes can perform
V-Ups or Tuck-Ups.
Hand Release Push-Ups -- Adjust to Knees if athletes are unable to perform with control on Toes. Can look to add a Band
or shorten the range of motion for those who don’t have a very large capacity of Hand Release Push-Ups. Athletes unable
to Press horizontally can go vertical with a DB Strict Press or DB Push Press
Bent Over Row -- If athletes are unable to hinge you can perform an Upright Row or Single Arm Ring Row.
DB Slides -- If athletes are unable to slide weight, they can hold a Tall Plank. Alternating Shoulder Taps will also work.
Athletes unable to hold Plank Position can do a weighted Dead Bug or Weighted Hollow Hold.