

7/7 Back Rack Reverse Lunges (135/95)|(95/65)

10 Box Jumps w/ Step-Down (30/24)

20 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/35)|(35/25)

:30 Plate Gun Hold


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength -- Newer and deconditioned athletes gaining early exposure to the Deadlift should like to do a 5x5 for today

around a Moderate or even Light Moderate weight today. Building exposure is great, but we also want to be mindful of the

Posterior stress that is still to come today.

Workout -- Reps, loading and volume will be good for all athletes. 5/5 Back Rack Reverse Lunges are also a good suggestion for new and deconditioned athletes. New and deconditioned athletes can adjust the Plate Ground to Overhead

number to 12-15 for today.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Deadlift -- Look to reduce range of motion first. If carrying weight to ground is too much a Barbell Good Morning, Weighted

Glute Bridges or Lunges will also work for this section.

Back Rack Reverse Lunge -- If the dynamic action of the Lunge is too much, you can look to do Split Squats instead. If no

Lunges then Back Squat. If you have an athlete who can not safely take the Bar to their Back Rack, have them go from the

rig in this section.

Box Jumps -- Step-Ups, Squat Jumps are good focuses for today. If unable to be dynamic can look to do some Weighted

Good Mornings.

Plate Ground to Overhead -- Ground to Front Rack works for those unable to go overhead. Can also look to do Russian


Gun Hold -- Change weights and go lighter if the Plate used for Ground to Overhead is heavier. If unable to hold weight, can

look at a Ring Row hold at a half pull.

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