
60 Double Unders

15 Strict Press (95/65)|(65/45)

90 Double Unders

30 Push Press

120 Double Unders

45 Push Jerks


*Reps, Loading, Volume*…

Strength – Give focus for our new athletes during this strength session. They will get much more out of this 15:00 if they

work through 5-6 sets of 5, keeping the weight moderate, and even adding in a tempo. We can also give all out athletes

guidance in the sense that every 2:30-3:00 they make a lift and spend the remainder of that time recovering or changing


Workout – For the Double Unders give athletes time frames to work with to get as many reps as possible and then more

onto the barbell. 1:00-1:30-2:00 should give everyone plenty of time to accumulate some volume before moving on. For

the barbell first lower the weight…if athletes are not confident that they could do 8-10 reps of the SP fresh it might be too

heavy. Another option here is to have the athlete start a little lighter on the SP and then quickly slap on the extra weight for

the other two movements. If volume is the issue, adjust the athlete to 10-20-30 or 15-25-35. These might seem like small

volume adjustments, but they will add up and allow newer athletes to keep moving.

*Movement Adjustments*...

Strict Press – For the strength if the athlete is not able to press you can adjust them to a SA DB Press, or try the horizontal

press with a Bench/Floor Press. Another option would be to super set DB Front Raises w/ DB Lateral Raises or even some

DB Reverse Flyes to still get some strength work in.

Push Press/Jerk – If unable to press OH see if the athletes can adjust to Up-Downs – Burpees, DB Floor Press w/ increasing weights, or even a progression of Push-Ups that get more difficult as the athlete works (Push-ups – HR Push-ups –

Feet Elevated Push-ups).

Double Unders – If unable to complete DU the athlete can hop on a machine for 1:00-1:30-2:00, but keep in mind they will

be rowing a team 10k tomorrow. They can also run 200m – 300m – 400m in replacement or double the number of reps

for Single Unders.

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