15 Narrow Grip Push-Ups
100m DB or KB Farmer Carry (AHAP)
30 Sit-Ups*
750/600m Row
-Rest 1:30 b/t Sets- *GHD Sit-Ups Optional (Score is Time)
2-3 SETS
:30 Banded Plank Hold*
30 Banded Straight Arm Pull-Down
*Band held under hands, across the back. -Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*...
Skill -- Reps, loading and volume should be good for all athletes. New and deconditioned can look to utilize a PVC or Training Bar for today. Due to the nature of the skill we can help build a lot of exposure to the movement without overtrain- ing. If you are looking at someone with little to no exposure, you can drop the reps down to 3.
Workout --Reps, loading and volume are good for all athletes. Only potential adjustment we may need to focus on is the Sit-Ups for newer and deconditioned athletes. 90-120 reps can be a lot of total volume. Reduce the number down to 12-15 per round depending on their capacity. Keep the Row for meters with a 3:00 minute cap here.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Split Jerks -- Those unable to Split safely can look to do Push Jerks. If unable to be dynamic athletes can stand in Split position and perform a Strict Press.
Narrow Grip Push-Ups -- Look to utilize a Box or Bench to help reduce the difficulty. Those unable to control and lower their Body can use a close grip DB Bench or Barbell Bench.
Farmer Carry -- For athletes unable to walk with load can stand for 2:00 minutes. Can also look to have one athlete be a pace setter for another. Manage the loading for our athletes here. If they are unable to hold, they can look to do a Tall Plank or static hold position.
Sit-Ups -- Dead Bugs, Tuck-Ups are good substitutes. Those unable to lay on their Back can Perform Bird Dogs or Hanging Knee Raises.
Row -- Can also look to do 600m Run or 1800m Bike. Look to complete the cardio in 3:00 minutes.