12 Supinated Barbell Bent Over Rows (Athlete Choice, Moderate)
10/10 Plate Around the Worlds (L/R)
:45 Plate OH Hold
:45 Plate Gun Hold
4 Wall Walks
-Rest as needed b/t Sets-
10/10 Side Plank Bridge-Ups
1:00 Elbow Plank
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Workout -- Loading and volume should be good for all athletes today. Look to drop the reps down of the Wall Walk to 2-3
for the new and deconditioned. They can perform the movement as long as they are able to maintain a safe neutral spine
throughout. We want some exposure, but don’t be afraid to dial it back a bit.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Supinated Barbell Bent Over Row -- Athletes unable to hinge can look to perform a Supinated Ring Row instead. If we are
unable to Pull, then a controlled Curl can also work.
Plate Around the World -- If we are unable to rotate a Plate safely around our head, then athletes can perform an Arnold
Press for the same rep number.
Plate Overhead Hold -- Look to adjust for a top of the Bench Press Hold for athletes unable to do Press Overhead.
Plate Gun Hold -- Look to accumulate the time domain for the Hold first. If athletes can‘t make a static hold for their Bicep,
look to do a static push down of their Tricep ideally with a banded Pull-Down.
Wall Walks -- Inchworms with our Heels pressed against the wall are a good sub for those unable to move safely up the
wall. Can also look to perform the same movement on Box to Pike position. If we can’t walk on our hands in any capacity,
we can look to stay static and perform Alternating Shoulder Taps for 6 total Reps per wall walk. A total 24 total reps for 4
Wall Walks.
Side Plank Bridge-Ups -- Adjust feet position in order to move safely. Can lower Knees to ground and perform an adjusted
Side Plank. If unable to support on ground, then Weighted Side Bends will also work for the same reps.