25/20 Cal Row
25 Burpee to Plate**
25 DBL DB Snatch (50/35)|(35/20)
25 Burpee to Plate
25/20 Cal Row
*This workout is part of our NCCOMPETE "mini-comp" for July. This is the FINAL
workout, 3 of 3, that athletes can perform with a "competition mindset". Check
out @nc.fit on Instagram to compare your scores.
**Burpee to Plate should be performed to a standard 45/25 rubber bumper plate
(not a comp plate).
2:00 Banded Hamstring Stretch (R)
2:00 Banded Hamstring Stretch (L)
2:00 Foam Roll Hamstring
(No Measure
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Strength -- Be mindful of the Loading for the new and deconditioned athletes. We want them to continue to build their
exposure to this movement without the risk of overloading. Look to do a 5x3 at a Moderate loading. Shooting for a Set
every 2:00 minutes once they build to the weight.
Workout -- Reps, loading and volume are good for all regular athletes. For the deconditioned or new athletes we are going
to want to adjust our rep range a bit to make sure we match the intensity level we are looking to achieve. Keep the row to
no more than 1:15. I would suggest 20/15 Cals or that 1:15 range. For the Burpee to Plate 15-20 depending on the athlete.
Look to do the same for the DBL DB Snatch, 15-20. It should be completed in no more than 2 sets. Lean towards the side
of speed in regards to this workout.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Deadlift -- Look to reduce range of motion first by adding a Plates or Low Box. Athletes unable to hang onto Bar can look
to perform Back Rack Lunges for 4 total Reps. Can also look to Sub a Weighted Good Morning or Glute Bridge-Up.
Row -- 20/15 Cal Bike will also work for today for athletes unable to Row. We are looking for 1:15 minute here for our
monostructural piece.
Burpee to Plate -- Look to shorten the Plate down first, if that still is a no go can remove plate. Can also look to do
Up-Down to Plate.
DBL DB Snatch -- DBL DB Clean can work for athletes unable to go Overhead. DBL DB Swing to eye level is also a good