400m Run
30 Slam Balls (30/20)|(20/10)
30 Burpees
400m Run
15 Slam Balls
15 Ring Muscle-Ups
15 Slam Balls
400m Run
30 Burpees
30 Slam Balls
400m Run
RMU Option 1: Jumping RMU
RMU Option 2: Burpee Pull-Up
*Reps, Loading, Volume*…
Workout -- We want to keep the Runs to 2:00 minutes. New and deconditioned athletes can look to shorten the distance
on the Run to make sure they are able to hit that targeted time. For the Burpee section, the new and deconditioned should
look to do 15-20 depending on their capacity. The focus here is more on finding the opportunity to continuously move
through this movement. Slam Ball reps can be adjusted to 20-25 and 10-12 as needed.
*Movement Adjustments*...
Run -- 1200m Bike or 500/400m Row works for today. Look to keep the Cardio piece to 2:00 minutes.
Slam Balls -- Slam Ball Ground to Overhead works for those who have a hard time grabbing the object. Can go to Shoulder
height if unable to go overhead. Russian Swings are also a good alternative today here.
Burpees -- Up-Downs are good for those unable to Press. Can also look to do Squat Jumps, or Box Jumps to get the same
explosive drive.
Ring Muscle-Up -- Jumping Ring Muscle-Ups, Burpee Pull-Ups are our recommended adjustments. We can also look to do
False Grip Ring Rows, Low Ring Muscle-Up Transition or Ringe Rows + Dips can work for our workout as well.