
Deadlift 5x5 (1 of 5)

5 sets of 5 Deadlifts @75% of Heavy Single (Week 1)
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *

Plain Bagel

Freedom (RX'd)
2 Rounds:

At 0:00
45 Crossover Single Unders
15/12 Calorie Row

At 2:00
15/12 Calorie Row
45 Crossover Single Unders

At 4:00
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

At 6:00
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15/12 Calorie Row

Repeat for another round with sets happening at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, and 14:00.

* See Coaches Notes for Independence, Liberty, Limited Equipment, and Large Class Option

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