01/08/2024 Back Squat 1x1 (1 of 5)Back Squat:- Heavy Single (10-12 minutes)* Rest a little longer than normal between sets when you reach heavier weights *South BeachFreedom (RX'd)30 Pull-ups30 Back Squats (95/65)30 Burpees-Rest 1:00-20 Chest to Bar20 Front Squats (115/80)20 Burpees to 6 inch target-Rest 1:00-10 Bar Muscle Ups10 Overhead Squats (135/95)10 Bar Facing Burpees(KG conv: 43/29 BS, 52/36 FS, 61/43 OHS) Cross FitJanuary 8, 2024Comment Facebook0 Twitter Reddit 0 Likes